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Why can't MyLove support me?
2004-01-15, 11:08 a.m.

You know what the worst part about the whole fight I had with Roommate woman is? The possibility that MyLove will use it as a reason not to move in. A reason not to spend so much time with me.

Why does she need reasons? Aren't you supposed to WANT to spend time with the one you love?

She tells me that just because I can forgive the roommate, doesn't mean she can. And that she doesn't support my decision to let them stay. And that I shouldn't just let them stay because I can't afford for them to move out. Yet, when I point out the fact that since August, I've been handed the whole "TheExFromHell can't afford to move out" line, I find it hard to swallow that she's telling me that I shouldn't let that stop me.

She says that I give her a harder time than I gave the Roommatewoman, which is actually not true at all. Never once have I told MyLove to get out, never once have I gone three days without uttering a word to her. Yes, I'm letting them stay out of respect for my friendship with roommate guy, and because I can't afford for them to move. That's my choice. She should be adult enough to accept that and to support that.

Besides all that, I have been SO forgiving to her that it's not even funny. Yet, I can't point it out because if I do, she says its not fair for me to bring up the past.

But dammit, just read this fucking journal and you can see all the bullshit that I have taken from her over the past year, and forgiven her. See all the crappy decisions she's made, yet I've supported them. What more does she want from me?

All I want is to live happily ever after and the shittest thing I've come to realize is....that's never going to happen. I might be happy again, but around ever corner sadness waits.

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