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2007-01-17, 3:22 p.m.

Well it's official. I have sleep apnea. It turns out that I stopped breathing 111 times the night that I slept at the sleep clinic. So, now I have go sleep at the clinic again to be fitted for a mask that will help me breathe at night.

We still haven't started our diets. First we had way too much food leftover from the holidays and Eagle's parents cleaned out their fridge and freezer before leaving to spend the next four months in Florida. So we had so much food we figured we'd better eat it up and then get some healthy food. But we went shopping this week and neither of us felt like doing the diet thing again. But we are going to do it. I have already switched from regular pop to diet and am starting to get used to it. I'm also drinking a lot more water. But I know that's just a start.

Work has been very busy. My co-worker and I are training others to do part of our job so that we can have more time for more productive things. The only bad thing is that my co-worker developed the outline for the training, which is fine with me, but she gave me which portions I'm responsible for training the people on, on Friday afternoon and the training is scheduled for tomorrow. Seeing as we had Monday off, that gave me two days to get it together, but I did it. I'm ready to do my part of it tomorrow.

Eagle has gotten back in touch with an ex-girlfriend of hers recently. They only went out a few months and it wasn't really serious. So now they are establishing a friendship. I like the girl too she's about 10 years younger than me though. She also has a girlfriend who is about 6 years younger then herself, so that makes her girlfriend 16 years younger then me. Eagle and I have met the girlfriend once, and that is all we needed to know that we do NOT want to establish a friendship with her too. In fact, we really feel that Eagle's ex could do much better and should look for someone more mature and less crazy, but that's definitely up to her. At any rate, just in the week we've all be in touch there is been more drama that has tried (unsuccessfully mind you) to snare us into it then we've had in over a year. I am so glad that Eagle has matured so much. It wasn't all that long ago that she acted very immature and irresponsible like this girl does, and seeing the contrast has really put thing in perspective for us both. Eagle is realizing just how far she has come and is very proud of herself for it, as she should be. She's also using her experiences to counsel her ex with regard to the girl.

Anyway, we're doing our best to stay out of their drama and be a friend to Eagle's ex.

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