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Going with the flow of life
2007-02-22, 9:05 a.m.

I still don't have a lot of time to write....I just don't have the time at work much anymore. I find myself working from the moment I sit down to the time I put my coat on to leave. It's good though. It keeps me feeling motivated. Last week one of the big bosses took me out to lunch to say thank you for all my hard work on the project she and I have been working on for the past few months. It was really very special to me. I've never had that kind of recognition at work. Before this job I was just a worker bee. I came in, did my job, went home. I never felt accomplished, or needed, and especially valued. Now I do. It really seems that my life has tipped in a new direction.

During most of my marriage, my life focused on my personal life. Newly married, then the revelation of the cheating of my husband, then the discovery of my sexual preference, then my mother getting very ill and then dying, my husband got sick at the same time, then just picking up and leaving the country that I'd lived in for 10 years, moving in with someone new, going through the drama that was that relationship, learning who I was; it's easy to see why, I never put my as a priority during all of that chaos that was my personal life.

Now, I'm in a very steady, non-drama filled, comfortable, relaxing relationship. I'm not saying it doesn't have it's challenges, but for the most part it's very calm. I have someone taking care of me at home, so that I have the energy and the focus to put my mind into my work much more. It's kind of strange that this relationship has allowed me to be this focused at work. At first, it was very drama-filled. Eagle had some very destructive habits that caused us both a lot of anxiety. But she really has worked through almost all of those issues and has become a great partner. She's a partner that's supportive of me, she cheers me on, and she takes care of me and the home we live in, so that I know have the ability to focus on my work.

It really is amazing where life takes you. Anyone who doesn't think that there's a plan out for your life, just hasn't experienced it yet. I've always said that you should "go with the flow" and that's what I've down, and I've gotta say that flow has taken me to a pretty good place. Now let's just hope that the World survives...but that's a whole other entry.

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