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Good behavior
2006-03-15, 9:57 a.m.

American Idol wasn't so bad, I was impressed that they did such a variety of music all singing Stevie Wonder songs. It was good. My favorite is still Taylor. He's awesome.

Eagle was crabby last night. She said she was sad about jail, now she's crabby about it. I told her again that it's normal to feel all those ways. She managed to smile a bit and relax some the more we talked. I told her that I'm proud of the way that she has been handling the whole situation.

Again we talked about the fact that jail is going to be like a cleansing in some ways for her. She can go in and leave all her baggage there. When she comes out, we are going to be working toward our goals of buying a home and saving money. We are going to be productive citizens and have a happy normal life. She agreed that it is something to look forward to. She said she's tired of smoking pot anyway and it does nothing for her.

I've been told by many people that out of the 30 days she is supposed to do, she probably will only do about half if she is on her best behavior. So I guess that's a good thing. I figure just as I'm getting used to being alone, she'll be back. I realized last night that I will miss her a lot. I mean yeah I bitch about stuff, but she's always there when I get home with a warm smile and a kiss, she's there to make comments to about the show we're watching, she's there to snuggle up to every night and I will miss her.

So that's about it for now. My finger joints are hurting lately must be the weather. It sucks getting old.

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