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good for me
2004-04-14, 9:14 a.m.

I'm still doing good. Actually I'm doing great. I'm hesitant to say too much in this forum because I know that MyEx reads this sometimes. But slowly I will start saying more and more without locking.

the first thing I want to say is that I realized last night that I definitely made the right decision by letting that relationship go....and in some ways I wish I'd have done it sooner. But we all do things in our own time and everything happens for a reason.

But last night was the first night that I felt that. I just knew this was the right thing to do. Things keep coming back to me...people say things to me about it...and it is just so clear that I was not getting the love and respect that I deserve from her.

I remember last year when TheExFromHell was visiting and I got put on the back burner again. I remember that I felt a lot of pain and fear back then, but now that I remember it....I don't know why I felt that way. I feel almost ashamed that I did feel that way. Strange how time works.

But yeah, I'm doing good. I'm happy and feeling much better about my decision.

My therapy appointment is tonight and I have this feeling that my therapist is going to fall out of her chair when I tell her that I finally did this.

Yes I finally did it. Good for me.

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