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Internal Activist
2003-05-28, 3:53 p.m.

I feel the activist within me starting to emerge. I read an article on MSN today about a new reality based gay dating show called, "Boy Meets Boy." I realize many people have different opinions about the whole dating type reality show and that's fine. However, what really irked me was a quote made by Andrea Lafferty of the Traditional Values Coalition. In a statement about this new show she said, "Clearly, they've hit a new low," Lafferty said. "What's next after `Boy Meets Boy'? `Boy Meets Sheep'?"

Her statement angers me so much because in it she implies that Gay men would be so perverse that they'd have sex with sheep if someone created a show about it. I mean COME ON people. Just because you don't understand someones sexual preference does not give you the right to think of them as perverts, or someone who would engage in beastiality.

With that said, who gave anyone the right to define what "traditional values" are? Shouldn't that be up to each individual? And, can't a loving home with two people who love, honor and respect each other be traditional, even if they are of the same sex? Shouldn't these people be more concerned about child abuse, as opposed to whether a child has two mommies or two daddies? Shouldn't they be concerned about babies left in dumpsters born to teenage mothers, then trying to take away the right of 15 year old girl to have an abortion if she chooses?

Okay, I'm done spewing, and if anyone wants to comment, feel free. But if you disagree with me, please act like an adult and state your case with tact. If you flame me, I won't respond because I refuse to argue with a child.


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