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feeling happy
2003-11-21, 11:56 a.m.

It's Friday!!! It's taken a damn long time to get her too. I worked very hard this week at work. I actually applied myself. Imagine that!

Today I'm meeting my old roommate for lunch. I haven't seen her in over 10 years! She and I shared an apartment when just before I got married. We recently reconnected through Classmates and we've kept in touch through email. She said she wan't surprised when I left my ex-husband. She told me that he had actually contacted her a few years ago. Which is really strange, because he never mentioned that to me! But whatever, that is no longer my problem.

Lately I've been feeling very happy, very confident, and not lonely at all. I think I'm making progress.

MyLove told me she may have an opportunity for a promotion at work. However it will mean more hours than she already works and more stress. I told her that I'd support whatever decision she makes. We discussed the pros and cons. I feel like if it is something she wants to do then I would be very happy and proud of her. I can deal with the longer hours. As I've told her many times, I can share her with her job, but just not with another woman and her job! But if she chose not to take it, I would never think less of her. Only she knows what she can handle, and what direction she wants to go in.

Tonight I finally get to see her and kiss her lips! I can't wait.

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End of our trip - 2007-06-15
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Updates - 2007-05-30

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