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lots of sick and vacation time
2005-12-08, 9:22 a.m.

I cannot tell you how hard it was for me to get out of bed and come to work. But I'm here. Unwillingly, but here. I know it's a bad thing to say, especially with dragprincess just recovering from a serious illness, but I WISH I could get a cold so I could legitimately take some sick time and just be waited on and catered to. Isn't that pathetic? I should be greatful that I have such a healthy immune system. I mean I've slept next to someone with a horrid cold for a week now, and I'm still healthy!

One thing about this job, my vacation and sick hours are building like crazy. As it is right now, I have 118 vacation hours and 159 sick hours banked! That's just incredible, five years ago I was in the negatives!

I do plan to take some time off in the new year. Eagle and I are supposed to go to Florida. However, we have to buy our plane tickets ourselves, so it depends on the price. Or we may drive. I mean, I could take two weeks off with no problems. But we'll see, depends on finances, as always!

I can hardly believe that we're closing in on our two year anniversary (April), it's hard to believe. Things with us have been good. Do I wonder sometimes what else is out there? Where I'd be if I was single? Hell I realized, I could afford a lot more if I was single and making what I make, but then I think about the kind of relationship I do have, and it's what I've wanted. I wonder where I'll be in five years sometimes, but then I figure there's no point in wondering, just take things one day at a time, that's all anyone can do.

Well I'd better get some work done. Tomorrow I'll be out of the office at an off site training, so I won't update till Monday. Have a great weekend.

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