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deep talks and car sex!
2003-12-11, 9:37 a.m.

Work sucks. I swear it seems that whenever my personal life is great, my work life sucks and vice versa. So yeah, MyLove and I are doing great....and work sucks.

Yesterday I had scheduled a day off. So Tuesday MyLove came with me to bowling, then aferwards we went to a bar and had some drinks and talked. We talked a lot about our hopes, our dreams, our past, our fears, our strengths and our weaknesses. The more alcohol we drank the more open and honest we talked. I learned so much about MyLove's past. A lot of pieces of the puzzle fit. Most of all we both agreed that we NEED to see this relationship through. We need to know what if? So come January, we will be living together somewhere. Where is not yet decided.

After the bar, and feeling very adventurous and amourous, we decided to go "park." I have never actually had sex in a car before....but wow! It was exciting, exhilarating, and just wow! But now I am left with muscles that I didn't even know I had, that are very sore. Good thing I'm pretty flexible!

Well better get back to work before I feel the snap of the whip on my ass!

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