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Kinda cranky
2005-12-22, 4:25 p.m.

Only 35 more minutes in this long day. It started out okay. I had 9 male attorneys in my class. That is very rare. Usually they bring their secretaries or they send the secretary in their place, but this was a first. It was fun though. I flirted with them and they enjoyed it, plus I think they learned what I was teaching them. They did better than I thought they'd do. Attorney's are smart, don't get me wrong, but they are smart about case law, and loop holes, not about computers for the most part.

So other than that, things are good. I'm really looking forward to having four days in a row off, even though we are going to be busy the majority of the time.

I'm a little irked because Eagle's mom is having Christmas Eve dinner and it's at 4:00 p.m., so we made plans to go see my grandma around 1:00 so that we can visit her, then head out to her Eagle's mom's. Well now her mom has decided that we must all be there at 1:00 p.m. to open presents before dinner. Like it's going to take three hours to open presents! Come on! So now I have to make new plans with my grandma and I'm irked. I only have ONE family member to visit that day, you know? Am I being too sensitive? What would we do if I had a big family who wanted me to spend time with them for the holidays? We'd have to compromise right? Oh well, it's not so bad, it'll work out, I'm just cranky I guess.

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