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pain in the.....
2006-03-02, 12:28 p.m.

Well tomorrow is another court date and I'm nervous about it. The Judge was kinda rough on Eagle last time. She has NOT been going to her AA meetings as directed. In fact she's only gone to one. Soooo, if he asks from some type of proof and she can't produce it, he may put her in custody until sentencing. And at this point we don't know what the sentence is even going to be. This is so aggrevating.

Her attorney asked, how does she get to meetings? I said she drives. He said if the Judge askes her how she gets there and she says she drives, he'll put her in custody for driving on a suspended license. We live 2 miles from the closest bus stop. How is she supposed to attend five meetings a week, but not drive? It's so mixed up, and I know from working in the field that the judge doesn't care how she gets there, just so long as she gets there and doesn't drive. It's not his problem otherwise.

So anyway, there's a chance that I'll come home without her tomorrow. Slight chance, but it's a possibility.

I'm having a bad pain in my left nipple today, on and off. It's driving me crazy. I have a doctor appointment next week to discuss Meridia, so if it's still doing it then, I'll bring it up. But till then...damn it hurts.

That's about all for today, my mind is wandering a lot and it's hard to focus on work right now. I'll be SOOOOOO glad with this court shit is done and over with.

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