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A through Z of SeekingMe
2004-01-22, 10:18 a.m.

I stole this idea from Cactustree.

The A through Z of SeekingMe:

A/Animals: One rat terrier. She�s actually my roommates dog, but she is a great dog. I also consider the two chihuahua�s that MyLove has, mine as well, though I never get to see them.

B/Best Friend: Well I think MyLove is the closest I have to a best friend. I also consider Roommate Guy one of my best friends.

C/Cohabitants: Roommate Woman (aka Psycho Woman) and Roommate Guy. They are married to each other..

D/Desire: To be a mother. Not just any kind of mom either, the kind of mom that my mother was. She was the best.

E/Eye Color: Hazel

F/Favorite Food: I love all food, but I really like lobster and crab legs a lot.

G/Games: PS2, any word or board game, and cards.

H/Habit(s): Well since I gave up smoking six weeks ago, I can�t really say that I have any habits any more. I like the occasional joint and drink, but other than that....

I/Interests: Reading. Watching TV. I�m a huge American Idol fan. I love reality TV. I love to sing karaoke and listen to music as well.

J/Job: I�ve worked for the U.S. Goverment for nearly 13 years so far. It�s okay I guess. It can be boring sometimes, but it�s got good pay, good benefits, and good retirement...if I make it that long.

K/Kitchen (Wonder or Blunder?): Well, I�m not the best cook for sure, but I can do well enough to survive.

L/Languages: English.

M/Most Valued Possession(s) (an item, not people/pets): My mom�s things that she left behind that held meaning for her. One is a framed piece of art that was actually a card sent to her that she liked so much she had matted and framed. It is a watercolor of an indian mother and daughter, and it says, �and the circle of life continues.�

N/Name (Named after?): Not named after anyone. My mom actually wanted to name me Cura, but she was afraid I�d alwas be called Cara.

O/Outfit You Love: I don�t really have ONE outfit I love. It all depends on where I�m going, how I�m feeling, etc.

P/Pizza Toppings: I absolutely LOVE the philly steak and cheese pizza! Either that or Hawaiian

Q/Question Asked To You the Most: "Are you sure you�re really gay now?�

R/Relationship/Partner: Engaged to MyLove

S/Sport (Playing): I used to be a swimmer in school. I also did precision dancing.

T/Television Show(s): American Idol, The L Word, The Surreal Life, Angel, Charmed.

U/Unsavory characteristic(s): Sometimes I can be a bit clingy. I sometimes let my self-esteem drop so low that I THINK I need someone else to build me back up.

V/Video (Faves): Dirty Dancing.

W/Webpage (Fave--not your own): I don�t really have one favorite. I love to surf online journals, and Lesbian message boards.

X/Xylophone (or other Instrument?): I like to think that I have a passable singing voice. I also used to play the clarinet and that saxaphone.

Y/Year Born: 1969

Z/Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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