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another happy day
2005-01-26, 8:39 a.m.

Yes another great evening was had by all. Eagle talked a bit about how she is doing her breathing exercises and talking herself out of irrational thoughts. So far she seems to be doing well. I tell her that with practice I truly believe it will become second nature to her.

Unfortunately I did not get the great sleep that I had the previous few nights, so today I am very tired. Yet, I did do three whole minutes on the health rider this morning. I know it's only three minutes, but when you consider that when I started riding it a few weeks ago, I could barely do 30 seconds, I am definitely improving.

I just wish there was a quick fix to losing weight. Doesn't everybody though. I've pretty much given up pop and 80% of my sugar intake; I've cut down on my fats including my favorite substance in the world...cheese; I've tried to eat three meals a day with healthy snacks in between, yet I don't feel like I've lost anything and I'm too scared to get on the scale. So, I'll just keep plugging along. I do have some clothes that are starting to feel slightly looser, but not sure that's true or just wishful thinking. They say that exercising eventually gets please tell me...when exactly will that happen??? Right now, I hate it, I hate the thought of it, I just hate it. I should try to find something funner than just riding the damn boring health rider I suppose. We've turned our guestroom into a makeshift gym. We've got the health riders up there, a radio, a mirror, all some hand weights. I'd like to get back into dancing. I love dancing and its so not like exercise. Oh well, whatever it is, I've got to keep doing it. I'm too young to feel this damn old!

This whole exercising kick was actually Eagle's idea, and she's been doing it right along (even more so) with me. We've both read that often times addicts can replace drugs with the vigerous exercise that gives them that euphoric high. Right now she's not in good enough shape to maintain exercise long enough to reach that state, but she's definitely working her way to it. It would be so great if she got hooked on exercise. She already has a very nice shape (in my opinion), exercise for her could do so many great things, not even including toning her body.

Well today is a very happy day and actually the third happy day this week. Let's hope for this to continue.

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