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deep shit and motherhood
2004-02-04, 9:00 a.m.

Yes, I am still alive. I took Monday and Tuesday off of work for plumbling problems. I had several inches of gross and disgusting sewage in my basement. They came out and replaced the sewer line yesterday. Nothing like realizing just how grown up you are when you're standing in the middle of shit and it's YOUR responsbility to clean it up.

Other than that disgusting adventure, I've had a pretty good weekend. I even made cookies. Yum.

Last night I had some strange dreams, but the strangest part was that in each dream people kept telling me to be careful. I kept asking them what it was I should be careful of, but nobody would tell me. Very weird. So, you can bet your butt I'm going to be going through this day as carefully as possible.

Tonight I get to see MyLove for dinner...I miss her terribly.

My roommates told me that they will probably be buying a house and moving in the near future. Yeah! Don't get me wrong, but Roommate Woman is a bitch, plain and simple, and I hate living with her. Roommate Guy and I get along great, and I could probably live with him forever, but she has GOT to go. I don't how he can stay married to her, but it's his life.

At this point, I'm not opposed to living alone anymore. I acutally long for the days of coming home and having everything the way I left it. And, if MyLove moves in with me, that would be great too. Despite some of the issues we had last time we lived together, she's pretty easy to get along with as far as daily things like cleaning, and chores and stuff.

I realized yesterday that I'm tired of cleaning up after adults that I'm not related to. I want to be cleaning up after my babies, chasing my toddler around, and being a mom. I really want to be a mom already! Damn.

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