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Ranting about Eagle today
2006-02-06, 12:19 p.m.

Okay so this is going to be more of a rant entry. This weekend pretty much sucked. First off, Eagle was in a crabby ass mood all weekend, and it pissed me off in turn. So we spent most of the weekend either bickering or silent.

I told her I'm sick of being the only responsible one in the house. The only one who cares if the dog is taken out regularly, that the laundry is kept up, that repairs are done, etc. She of course, in her twisted mood took that to mean that she's worthless! So her pitty party sparked a fire in me that I haven't felt in a while. It was a crappy weekend, but thankfully its the first we've had in a long time like that.

So this morning Eagle was supposed to go to her AA meeting. She had keys, and gas, and money for parking. But did she go? NO. She did not. Why? Because she says she couldn't find the place. I said, "did you stop and ask someone?" Instead of a rational answer I got her screaming, "I drove up and down the street five times." So that tells me that either she didn't go at all and this performance is just to justify her lie, or she did go and did not give any effort to actually finding the building....which she's BEEN TOO BEFORE...mind you. I was on my cell phone so I said I'd call her when I got back to my desk. I called. She answered and said, "are you going to be nicer to me?" So I hung up on her. I cannot stand it when she equates me speaking the truth as being MEAN to her. What the fuck? So I'm supposed to say, "oh honey, I'm sorry you couldn't find the place, it's perfectly acceptable in that case that you didn't go." NOT! She damn well should have asked someone for directions. She could have found it, if she had actually tried.

So I told her that she would not get her regular $100.00 "allowance" this pay day if she did not attend at least three meetings. Damn it's going to be tough for me to stick to that in the face of her whining and crying and acting like a spoiled child though. But if I don't stick to it, then my threats will mean nothing in the future.

Ugh! After all my praise of her lately, my pride in her lately, the fact that she has been so ADULT acting, this side of her old self really spun me around this weekend. I realize that it can't be perfect all the time. I know. But it's so hard to deal with a 34 year old spoiled brat. It truly sucks sometimes.

So that's my rant. I told Eagle to be ready when I got home because we're going to the building she couldn't find so that she'll know where it is for future meetings! Yes I know that it's her responsibility, not mine, but I just can't sit back and not help her. It wouldn't make me feel better or right not to. So I will.

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