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Great weekend!
2005-02-22, 9:33 a.m.

Well here I am, back after a long and very fun weekend. Friday they suspended my other co-worker for two weeks. So that leaves just me and one other to run a five person office for the next two weeks. Oh joy.

But back to the weekend. Friday I was stressed to the max, so I told Eagle that I wanted to get drunk. As luck would have it, Eagle hit the mystery jackpot at bowling and walked away with $180.00! If not for that, we were pretty much broke. So, we took our money and went with the rest of the league to a gay bar to celebrate someone's birthday. It was a blast. We met some new people, danced, laughed, and I got wasted!

Saturday we got up, I nursed my hangover for awhile, then we packed up and drove down to Indiana to visit Eagle's aunt and uncle for the rest of the weekend.

We used our won money to fill up some gas, get some food, do some shopping and we had a really great time.

Eagle took great care of me, we had some wonderfully deep and loving talks. We had a great visit with her aunt and uncle who made us feel completely at home and comfortable. It was just what I needed this weekend.

We drove back yesterday, stopping at different stores, include The Lion's Den, which is a famous adult warehouse. We took our purchases and had a very enjoyable ride home.

We got home in time to watch some t.v. and hit the sack. And this morning it's business as usual, only there's just the two of us, and I have on a new blouse!

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