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2005-02-24, 9:05 a.m.

I had my counseling last night. I like my counselor, but sometimes it seems she doesn't really have much to say that puts things any more clearer in my head. Usually she just validates me and I guess that's what I need from her. Validation. I think that she respects me, I think that she likes me as a person, and I think that she admires me. She said something to that affect last night. It's almost as if we are friends who meet for an hour every month to catch up on each other's lives. Although she doesn't share as much about her life, but enough. But anyway, it's cool. I like her, and I always feel better after my session.

So last night Eagle and I had dinner at our friend Patty's place. She had her friend Suzie over and Suzie about drove Eagle and I crazy. She is one of the most annoying people on the face of the earth. Needless to say, we did not stay long after supper. Besides I was very tired.

We came home, watched American Idol and then hit the sack. I swear I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I wish I could find a cure for this damn tiredness. I'm sick of being tired ALL THE TIME!

Well that's about all I've got to say for today. Better get back to work.

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