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It's all in the details
2006-02-28, 9:23 a.m.

Well the system is currently down here at work, so it's kind of quiet. I should be working on my tutorials or the March newsletter, but I'm not, I'm writing in my diary.

So we still have not heard what the deal will or won't be for Eagle's case. She and I have pretty much resigned ourselves to the fact that she'll be spending 30 days in jail. So that leaves me with 30 days alone. Not that I'm glad she's going to jail, but 30 days alone sounds SOOOO appealing right now. I will miss her, I know that. But to be able to go where I want, when I want, clean, watch t.v., go to bed, all on my own....very inticing. But I will be good. I have no intentions on going out with anyone else during that time.

I can't help but look at the parallels between what MyEx and I went through at the end of our relationship. She had to work 30 days in a row so I didn't get to see her for 30 days. Granted MyEx was working, BUT (and this is a HUGE BUT!) she was going home every night to TheExFromHell. Then when she finally got a day off she didn't even tell me. So yeah I "cheated" on her (though I can't call cheating on someone who lives with someone else actually cheating, but whatever) with Eagle during that time. And now here I am facing 30 days away from Eagle for a very different reason, and I have no desire to cheat on her. No desire to be with anyone else. It really does sometimes come down to the details.

Well that's about it for now. Got to get working.

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End of our trip - 2007-06-15
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