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Loving being responsible
2007-04-20, 1:33 p.m.

It's Friday, it's payday, and all the bills are paid on time, once again. This is like the fourth month in a row. Wow. How very responsible of me. It feels very good. Before I dedicated myself to keeping on top of the financial picture instead of "just wingingin it" my bills were always late, and I'd end up spending money that were meant for the bills and then ending up with huge balances that I'd have to make arrangements to pay, etc. It is SO nice now not to have that problem. Every other payday, I just pay the bills right up front and what's left is what we live off and actually it's worked out with us having more money then I used to have for spending. Probably because I'm not paying all the late fees and penalties all the time.

We've got a busy weekend in store. We are planning to go to some friend's house that just got a hot tub. Ohh fun. Then on Sunday we are picking up a friend of ours who could use some cheering and cooking some good steaks on our spiffy new grill!

I have to share this pic of our to lovey dovey cats who sleep like this all. the. time.

Okay that's all I have time for, got to get some work done. Have a great weekend.

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