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2005-05-02, 8:41 a.m.

Well, overall it was a good weekend. I got lots of rest, and got a lot done around the house.

Eagle was challenging. She decided to get drunk "one last time" Friday at bowling. She ended up getting on my nerves bad, and apparantly on others as well. She kept asking people back to our place to "party." They would then tell me no, and then I had to break it to her. One person told me the same thing that I have felt. They don't like to be around Eagle when she's drunk becuase her personality changes. On the way home, she started wanting to go to our friend Patty's. I told her no. I was tired and she knew that and I just wanted to go home. She got mouthy and called Patty. Then she handed me the phone and Patty told me to take her home, she "didn't want her over there like that." So hearing what a party pooper I was from Eagle over and over and her threats to take the keys and drive over there anyway, I told her what Patty said, as well as what her friend from the bowling alley said. I told her people like you much better when you're sober, you're the only one who can't see that. She didn't say much after that, it was almost as if the wind went right out of her sails. But at least she was quiet after that. We ended up going home, listening to music and talking until I fell asleep on the couch.

The next day we did some chores around the house and ordered in food. Saturday night I got a call from my step-sis telling me my step dad was in the hospital. He had to have surgery to remove a clot from his groin area. Everything went well, but they are concerned that blood clots can be a sign of cancer, so they are doing some more tests.

Saturday evening Eagle confessed to something she'd been doing for awhile, and that is pranking MyExGF. I was livid. I told her that it is immature for to behave that way. She agreed, but she doesn't care. I tried to explain to her that it doesn't matter what she says or does to MyExGF, if I wanted to be with her, I would be. But I'm not. I'm with Eagle. She got the girl, let it go! She just can't reconcile that in her mind. So she agreed to a truce, she said she wanted to leave a voice mail for the ex and then she would quit calling her. So she left a voice mail for her that basically owned up to the fact that it had been her pranking her, and that my ex should be sorry because she let someone really great go, and that Eagle would stop calling her as long as the Ex doesn't call me again. I decided already that I will not be telling Eagle if the Ex calls me ever again. It's just not worth it. I hate to lie, but she leaves me no choice. I told her it makes me look like a fool for being with someone SO FUCKING CHILDISH that she still pranks people on the phone. That is something we all stopped doing after the age of 13 or so. It makes me look like the stupidest person to be with someone like that. She didn't care, she said that she had to make her point to the ex that she "better not be calling my woman." What ever.

So Sunday we went to her parents to visit her cousins who were in town for a wedding, then we went to see my step dad in the hospital. He was doing very well.

We had a good weekend for the most part. We did have a few tiffs and she was on edge all weekend, which I pointed out to her. I have found though that I have learned how to deal with her like that, and how not to let her mood affect me. Most of the time.

So it was a restful and productive weekend. I've started to realize that with this relationship, my definition of love has changed. I'll talk more about it later, but suffice it to say, I do love Eagle despite her childishness and other faults. It's a low voltage, steady, constant love that grows daily. And it's comfortable. And the best part is, I KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that she loves me too.

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