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A world of pain right now
2003-05-06, 9:00 a.m.

I'm not really sure what to attribute it to, but MyLove is back to being her loving self!!!! I'm not going to question it, but I really think part of it may be that I just stopped obsessing about it and let it happen.

Yesterday we had a big scare at work. There were a series of three explosions, the last of which broke out the windows in the building across the street from us. Anyway, they sent us home just after noon. So, by the time I caught a bus, then walked back to my car a mile away, and then got was nearly 3:00 p.m. MyLove was in bed. So I left her sleeping.

She got up around 5:00 or so and we cooked dinner together, then ate, and cleaned up. Then she mentioned my ring, that I haven't worn since our fight a few weeks ago in which she took it from me. I asked her if it bothered her that I haven't worn it, she said yes and asked me why I haven't. I said if you want me to wear it again, you need to put it back on me. So she got up, went and got the ring, then slid it on my finger and gave me a kiss. Then she went into the bedroom and, as the severe thunderstorms rolled in, we had great sex!!!

Unfortunately this morning I woke up with lower back pain from hell. I don't know if I'm going to be able to make it through the day. If it werent' for the fact that you can't call in without a doctor's note, I would have called in. But I may leave early and go see my chrioptractor if my boss will accept a note from a chiropractor as a good enough medical exuse. But I'm going to have to do something because whenever I stand up it hurts so bad it brings tears to my eyes. I've already taken four ibuprofen and two alieve and they haven't even touched the pain yet.

Tonight MyLove and I are supposed to go see the Detroit Pistons in a playoff game...I just hope I can make it!

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