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angry and bitter
2004-05-17, 8:41 a.m.

I had an AWESOME weekend. It was almost completely drama free. The drama was had between Eagle and her family. They've got a kind of twisted relationship. Her family really gave her a raw deal all her life. It's a very long, sad, and complicated story. On top of that, her family is all very prone to mental instability and drug and alcohol addictions. But what it comes down to is this: Her family made ALOT of mistakes with her over the years and then, instead of owning up to them, they paid her off. They set her up in her condo and paid her bills when what she needed was a family to teach her how to live and then to give some tough love to MAKE her live. I realize Eagle is not faultless in all of it, but she really did get the shaft. that she seemingly is finally getting her act together, her family has suddenly decided to take a hiatus out of her life. I really think there is something deeper going on. Maybe a sense by them that she is not as needy as she was before and this is causing them discomfort. I'm not sure, but there's something weird going on there.

Other than that, we had an awesome weekend. Saturday we went out to a bunch of yard sales and got some really great decorating things for the condo, including two huge framed Ansel Adams prints. They look great.

Sunday we went to church and I regained my center for the first time in a long time. I need to keep myself going every Sunday, it really does a world of good for my week.

So, now I'm back to work on this Monday morning and ready to welcome Friday. Only two more weeks and I'm off on vacation for the whole week!

Oh and in MyExLove news, I've decided that I'm going to keep the ring she gave me. I figure it's worth all the things she gave so freely to TheExFromHell over the past year. What would those be? Well, she flew her out for a visit last year, then flew her home and paid all expenses to move her her, let her use her car everyday (the same car she bitched about me using so much until I went and got my own damn car), took her and her daughter on a vacation to Cancun. All of that, minus Cancun, while we were supposedly still a couple. Hmmm....well I figure one nice engagement ring will satisfy her debts to me. Do I sound bitter? I am. Can't help it. Will I get over it? Yeah. Eventually.

And yeah, I know, if I'm happy with Eagle than I should be able to just let all of that go, but right now I can't. Right now I'm angry. Fuck her for treating me like shit for a year and a half and fuck me for letting her.

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