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doing good
2005-06-07, 8:55 a.m.

Well it's Tuesday, I'm tired, my wrist aches something fierce, but last night was good.

I get the feeling sometimes that Eagle is just playing along. She knows what it takes to keep me happy, and she's doing it, but under the surface I get the feeling that she thinks that she is just doing this for me and doesn't really believe that she ever did anything wrong. But I could be wrong. It could be my newly jaded outlook.

But I can't complain because she seems to get what I'm saying and last night we watched a movie that I got to pick (sort of) and she suffered through it, though not without many, many, many, comments about the details of the movie and how unrealistic it was, etc. Now she was actually the one to pick the movie, but I got into it so when she wanted to give up on it, I said no. But I told her, if she lets me watch stuff, she can verbally abuse the show all she wants, I don't care. We got a laugh out of it.

My boss pulled me aside yesterday and told me about the possibility of a position opening up in the future that she encouraged me to go for. She said she would fight for me as well. That was great to hear. Plus the job is three levels above the one I'm in right now. It means about a $20,000.00 increase (eventually). Not to mention the fact that it is something that I enjoy doing. I'm very excited and I hope it turns out to be true. In the meantime, I'm going to try to keep my work image as good as I can. Maybe buy some nicer clothes (good excuse), and definitely not call in sick.

Overall I'm doing good lately, a hell of a lot better than the past few weeks. It's nice to have Eagle back to "normal" and to have my best friend back. I truly miss her when she's gone, because when she uses like that, she really is gone. The person I know and love is replaced by someone completely different, and someone I don't like all that much.

Well that's about it for now. Say some prayers for me that this job becomes a reality! :)

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