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Letter to Eagle
2004-06-14, 9:11 a.m.

Dear Eagle:

I'm sorry that you are hurting right now, I truly am. However, I refuse to be held responsible for that. This is not about being fair. This is about my life. MY LIFE. I am sick of people treating me however they want to treat me and me just going back for more. Fuck that. I will not do that anymore.

You say it was just once. Well you know what? It only takes once. Yeah I'm sorry that you're the person I'm finally putting myself in front of. But you know what? Life isn't fair sometimes. And my happiness is more important to me than anyone else's is. And you know what? There is nothing wrong with that.

I am angry, hurt, cold, and done. I cannot stretch myself any thinner. I am doing what I need to do. I've said it over and over and over again to you and just when I think you get it. You don't. Well I'm sorry you don't get it.

I need space. I need freedom. I don't care if you want to give those to me or not, because they are not yours to give. I am taking them. They are mine. No one will take anything from me again.

I'm sorry that this hurts you. I truly am. But I cannot live my life for your feelings. Yours or anyone else's.

I'm living for me. It's about damn time I did too.

Seeking me

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