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broke and sick of it
2006-06-21, 9:29 a.m.

I woke up this morning and my leg actually felt pretty good. I think that�s a great sign. My Physical Therapist wants me out of the boot in the next two weeks or sooner. It all depends on the muscles in my inner ankle. They need to be strong enough to support me. I�ve been working hard at strengthening them.

So yesterday my boss came up to me and gave me a project. I was actually thinking that I wouldn�t have much to do since the in-house training has been converted over completely to on-line training. Well he gave me a doozy of a project that will keep me quite busy for the next few months. I�m feeling kind of overwhelmed actually. I don�t know where to start.

He wants me to develop a series of workshops to offer employees in our building that relate to the same computer system we were teaching the outside customers. I�m excited, don�t get me wrong. But I�m freaking out slightly. I first have to figure out what the employees do with regard to these programs, then find out what they know, and then figure out what they need to know, and finally train them. I�m excited though. I also feel relieved to know that my boss has the confidence in me to give me something this big.

Home is going really really well. The past few days Eagle has cleaned the house top to bottom (except that basement) and I�m very happy. She�s making my lunch, doing laundry, cooking dinner and being really great.

I�ve decided that I am going to take a better hold on my finances too. I have bounced an average of 5 transactions every two weeks for the past few years now. I can�t seem to get a grip. I don�t know where the money goes and I�m sick of it. So I told Eagle that for the next few months we are not eating out, we are not buying anything that is not a necessity and I am giving myself the goal of saving $1,000.00. That way I�ll have a cushion to bounce off of when unexpected stuff comes up. I�m sick of making the money I make, having no house payment, yet I�m always broke!

Okay I�m off to work on my project now.

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