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The return of the PMS Monster
2005-07-06, 9:16 a.m.

Well I'm feeling a little better today. I'm just going to face this job like I face every challenge in my life. Head on and act as if I know what I'm doing. It's gotten me this far, I dont' think it'll fail me now.

So Eagle is PMS'ing and being a whiney bitch right now. Last night she moped around complaining about how little attention I give her, and how she's so lonely, wah wah wah. I told her that she talks from the time I walk in the door till the time that I go to sleep every single night. How much MORE attention could I give her? But OF COURSE she had to flip it around and make it seem like I was complaining that she talks to much.....I swear to God she makes me dizzy with her circle talking. But I ignored her and I kept my mouth shut. When she is in that kind of mood there's no reasoning with her. Her life sucks and everyone in her life sucks and it's everyone else's fault and boo hoo hoo. That's all she can think about when she gets like that.

Tonight she is supposed to go with her parents up north to visit her brother for the whole night. I have my serious doubts as to whether she'll actually go or not. But it would be nice to have the house to myself for one whole night. This would be the first time in over a year that I've been alone for a whole night. Of course Eagle thinks I'm horrible because I'm not telling her not to go because I'd miss her. I'm sorry, but I wouldn't miss her that much. I would enjoy my alone time more. I know she doesn't get that, but that is how I feel. That is how most people would feel after being with someone as much as I am with her for the past year. You know?

I'm pissed off too because I let her use my debit card for gas yesterday and she went on damn shopping spree and spent more than she should have on shit WE DON'T NEED. I do plan to have a talk with her about that, and I'm not letting her use my card again for awhile. Because we NEEDED two extention cords, yet another fan, yet another flash light, and GOD knows whatever else she bought at the hardware store! Dammit.

I've decided not to lock my whole diary, if she reads it and doesn't like it. Too bad. That's her own damn fault. If I have something I really want to say taht I don't want her to read, I'll lock that specific entry. Otherwise let her read away. She doesn't hear me when I talk to her about this stuff, maybe it'll sink in when she reads it. Who knows?

Anyway, this entry has gotten way outta hand, so I'd best be off to do some work.

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