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Nice weekend, but feeling blah
2004-07-19, 8:40 a.m.

Well it's another Monday. Oh joy. I'm thrilled. I guess I should be happy that I have a job to go to.

I'm heading into PMS time now, and feeling crabby again. I hate that women have to bleed every month, but is it fair that we also have to have mood swings so bad? I mean how did Adam luck out?

I'm not really sad or anything today. Just sort of blah.

I had a wonderful weekend for the most part though. Eagle and I spent it at her place watching her cousin's four month old puppy. This puppy was the BEST behaved puppy I have ever known. Seriously. We fell in love with her.

We spent Saturday morning up early cleaning her condo in preperation for her starting work this week. Sunday we ended up both being crabby in the afternoon and snippy so we went into different rooms for awhile and did our own things. Later we came back together and we talked, and we listened to each other, and then we made up.

Eagle is the first person that I say anything to. And hear anything from her. We can talk about anything and everything and see the other's point of view. It really is remarkable.

So now, I sit here at my desk, wishing it was closer to Friday. But you know what they say, "a wish in one and and shit in the other." So I'd better get my butt busy.

Oh and Happy Birthday Grandma.

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