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single and fancy free lesbian
2003-08-01, 9:00 a.m.

Therapy was good last night. Tearful, but good. She helped me to realize that I need to let MyLove go on this journey alone. I need to look at it like we are at a fork in the road and MyLove is choosing the road on the left. I can either stay at that fork in the road forever, or I can choose to go down another path because I can't follow MyLove down her path. She also made me realize that just the fact that MyLove is choosing to do deal with the problems that she knows she has, shows just how much she cares about me. She loves me enough not to want to hurt me. And that made me cry.

So I talked with MyLove about it. She said, "Seekingme, if you go down your path and you find someone else....and then I get my head out of my ass...I'll fight to get you back, unless you tell me not to." She said that she does not want to lose me, but that we need to do this for both of us. So that we might have a chance in the future together.

After that discussion I felt somewhat free. I've decided that I'm going to take the ring off and give it to her for awhile. I'm going to tell her that when/if she is ready to give it back to me and accept all that goes with it, then she can do that and I will have to decide if that is what I want at the time.

So I guess you could say that I'm single. But damn that word strikes fear in my soul. Especially after the recent encounter with my ex-crush. I'll get into that another time. Let's just say that there is no longer a crush there.

I'm not opposed to matchmaking so if anyone knows any fun, soft butchs, in the area....hey pass them my email would ya? I'm getting out my party shoes and ready to live the life of a single and fancyfree lesbian!

At least that's what I'm telling myself....

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