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PMSy, MyexGF, and a tatoo
2004-08-20, 9:01 a.m.

Tonight I am getting a tattoo. I've been wanting one for several years now. When I was with my ex-husband he didn't want me to get one. Not sure why. But I really want this. It's going to go on my right leg near my ankle. I told the tattoo artist exactly what I want and he has come up with a design for me. I'm also doing this to honor my mother's memory. Underneath it will have her year of birth and death. I'll post a pic of it when it's all said and done.

The rest of this weekend is going to be busy busy busy. We still have to finish painting the bathroom upstairs and the bedroom and move the rest of my furniture out of my apartment. I'm also supposed to help my friend DJ move next weekend. Although I really want to cancel because I have so much of my own shit to do. But I don't think I can cancel on her. I promised her I'd help a long time ago and she was there to help me move. So, I'll probably be one very sore girl at the end of next weekend.

Last night we had a friend of mine from work over. She was recently suspended from work indefinitely for missing too much time. However, she has worked here for 24 years! I mean couldn't they have worked with her? She was planning to retire this Fall anyway. So now she has no income, she's in debt like crazy, no food, no money at all. So we fed her a great big dinner of roast beef and veggies, then I sent some leftovers with her. I wish we could do more, but we have no money at the moment either.

I've decided that since I really only have one ex-girlfriend, and that would be MyExLove, I'm just going to refer to her as MyExGF. Thanks for the suggestions though. They were good, but I figure this is the best way to avoid confusion. So from here on out....MyExLove will be referred to as MyExGF.

Though I'm happy it's Friday, and I'm excited about my tattoo tonight, I'm feeling a bit down today. I think it must be hormonal. I'm due to start any day now. It really sucks how much women are ruled by their hormones. It's just not fair. We get to bleed for a week every month, get cramps, bloating, and not to mention nine months of pregnancy and child birth! Okay I'm just going to stop this train of thought right now....there is NO need to dwell on this shit at this very moment. Besides I've got work to do.

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