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2005-09-02, 9:18 a.m.

I can�t believe I actually forgot to update yesterday. Wow. I was absorbed at work. I love my job by the way. It keeps me interested, and the days fly by for the most part. Next week will be my first real live training presentation with real live students. I �m looking forward to it.

Things with me have been really good actually. Eagle did slip and take some ephedra a few days, but has not had any since Tuesday. That�s good. She is trying, I know that she is trying. I threatened her with treatment or me leaving if she didn�t get off the pills. I told her that if she really feels she needs something to give her energy and feel better, that we could talk about getting some vitamins into her daily regimen and that would help her somewhat. She agreed to that. I don�t want us to just go off and buy vitamins though, so I�m thinking we should either talk to an herbalist, or her doctor and see what would be good.

This weekend there is a Vietnam Vet memorial near our place. We plan to go and see it. Eagle is very sentimental and memorials for those who lost their lives intrigue her. So we are going to check it out. That�s about all our plans for the weekend though as we are as usual broke. Eagle keeps saying, well I quit pot and pills we should have money, but what she fails to realize is that now that we actually have some money, it�s going towards digging us out of the financial rut we had gotten into. But the good news is, once we get caught up, things will be better. We are going to save up some money to go away for the weekend and stay in a hotel (as opposed to a tent) for a few days soon. Her mother told us that for Christmas, she is getting us plane tickets to come to Florida in the spring to visit her. That will be cool.

I�ve been absolutely horrified by the events in LA. Usually I can say my prayers for the victims and move on, but this one is really getting to me. First the government needs to get in there. They need to bring in the military and take things under control. People are starving, they have no water, the pictures of the elderly suffering are breaking my heart. Second, what is WRONG with people who take this as a time to rape and pillage?? OH MY GOD. That breaks my heart. But again, with a strong, organized, military presence, I think that would not be happening. Next, they need to get these people somewhere to sleep and bathe. Bring in cruise ships and let them live there for awhile....I mean come on....let�s DO something. With that said, I am going to try and make a donation to the red cross and I encourage others to click on that link and make one too. This truly just breaks my heart. I just pray that the money is well spent to help the most people possible.

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