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weekend here I come
2005-09-09, 4:52 p.m.

Oh my gosh, have I been busy today. Meetings after meetings, calls after calls, but don't get my wrong...I love it!

My first training went really well yesterday. I felt confident and energized. It's great to be teaching people stuff and to look out and see people actually paying attention to what you have to say. I really enjoy this job....but damn does it keep my busy.

The only downside was, that I got back to my desk and my boss called me into his office and said, "you need to let me know when you'll be away from your desk." (meaning while I was doing training). I said, "I'm sorry I thought you already knew I'd be doing the training." (because HE HIMSELF came by my desk earlier that day and said, "so this is the big debut huh?") What the f???? But whatever. I think he DID know that I was in training, but he's a pooper and he didn't want me to get this job and he HATES that I'm doing so damn well at it. Hah!

But that's about it and it's almost five and I've got to run. Have a great weekend!

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