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work still sucks
2004-09-28, 8:29 a.m.

Another day, another dollar. Well not exactly because I'm salary, but I just felt like saying that.

Yesterday one of my co-workers got suspended for five days. She got into a bit of a verbal fight with our manager and got herself suspended for 5 days. However, it was our bossbitch that she got into the fight with, and our bossbitch who spear headed the suspension. In her "report" she said that my co-worker refused to stop typing when she was trying to speak to her. This was just not true, and the rest of us are witnesses. But did administration ask for our opinions? No. They just let bossbitch throw out a five day suspension for someone telling her, "I'm sick of you too." That's it. Somethings not right. I think it has more to do with bugetary costs then anything. There's five days they don't have to pay someone their wages. Then with the threats of suspension hanging in the air, it makes everyone uncomfortable and on edge. It just sucks. Period.

I think as a result of that yesterday, I was really down last night. I got home and Eagle was at work. So I did some cleaning, then headed up to watch t.v. in bed. All evening, I kept fighting the urge to cry. When Eagle came in I asked her to lay down and hold me, and she did, and I cried. I don't know what's up with that. But I felt better afterwards. It's only been with her that I can let these feelings show. It feels really good. Strange somtimes, but good.

Eagle has vowed to do better with her job, and so far she has. She realized that once she stops fighting the IDEA of working, she actually enjoys her job. Imagine that! So she says she wants to give it her all from now on. I hope that is true. I'm sure at the time she said it it is true, but come hormonal PMS time and she may be singing a different tune. Let's hope not though.

Well I've got work to do, so I'd better get my butt in gear, don't want to get suspended now!

Oh and this date marks four months since Eagle has had a drink. I'm very proud of her for that.

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