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broken toe weekend
2004-10-04, 8:29 a.m.

What a weekend I had. Just call me Nurse Seeking. Why? Well because Eagle had an unfortunate accident on Friday night. She was clearing off the front deck and moving this huge and very heavy planter box. When she threw the box down her toe was under it. She came hobbling inside and the minute I saw it, I knew it was not going to be good. After three hours in emergency, they came to tell us that she has an open fracture. They doused her with antibiotics, including intervenously. They tore the toe nail off....ewww...ouch...and then stiched up the nail bed. After that, they put a peice of foil over the nail bed and stiched that to her cuticle. After it was all said and done, it was one ugly and painful sight.

I brought her home from emergency, and we went to bed. Saturday bright and early she woke in agony as the freezing had worn off. So I stumbled out to the pharmacy and got her pain killers filled. I went and rented a bunch of movies, and we spent the entire day and night in bed watching movies.

It was kind of fun actually. We both agreed it was like camp or something. We got a long just fine too. It was difficult to keep her off her feet though. She is always up and down a million times a day.

So we watched movies and enjoyed each other's company, but now it's back to work. There's only two of us in today so it's gonna be a busy one!

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