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Long update
2006-10-17, 9:10 a.m.

I had my dad over on Saturday night and I have to admit I was a grumpy girl all day dreading the evening to come. But I am happy to report that the evening went very well. My dad was joking and actually funny. There was no preaching or judgment, it was nice. I really enjoyed our time together. Eagle and I have realized though that there is just something "not quite right" about my dad's wife. She's very odd. I think that she borders on "slow," but then again it could just be her personality. We just can't figure it out. I do know that her main past time is watching the shopping channel...not that there's anything WRONG with that, but how does one stay entertained watching the shopping channel all day?

Sunday I played poker on-line as I found a site that is still accepting real money accounts from U.S. citizens....for now at least. I entered a big 100 person tournament and I WON! I couldn't hardly believe it. I won a whopping $28.75...but for $1.10 investment, that's not too shabby. I then entered a 500 person tournament and at 100 people left I was in 28th place, but I finished in 87th place. I was doing well until I bet it all on a pair of aces with two little ones on the flop, and some jerk called me even though he had just two little ones, however those two little ones were the same suit as the other and wouldn't you know that he got the damn flush. I was quit upset, but what can you do?

I got my blood work back from the doc, seems that my glucose and my liver enzyms are elevated. I have to go back to see her this afternoon anyway to get a yucky mole removed from my shoulder so we'll go over the results then in more detail.

Oh and on the diet and exercise front, I've been drinking lots of water, trying to watch my portions, not add extra fats or sugars when it's not needed, AND I went for walk on Sunday. So it's a start. The doc wants me to think about going on medication to stimulate my weight loss. I said I would consider it, but I really don't want a stimulant. I don't like the way they make me feel.

On the Eagle front, we're stiill doing good, she's doing really well not taking any forbidden substances. On Friday we met a new friend who was a friend of one of our bowling teammates. They invited us to come over and play games after bowling. We were considering it, until they asked if we smoked pot. We realized at that moment that we could not subject Eagle to that kind of we politely declined. I swear it seems that EVERYONE does drugs or drinks. It truly sucks.

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