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Money woes
2006-10-20, 1:48 p.m.

It's payday Friday and after all is said and done and paid....we have a whopping $70.00 left for the next two weeks. That's for haircuts and "spending money." Eagle's mom just can't understand why we don't have more money. So, we're going to give her the break down of everything that we're paying every payday. I told Eagle that her mom is used to having a bank account with lots more money in it then she needs, so when I bill comes in she pays it. When our bills come in, we have to wait till we have the money in the bank to pay it. If we make one little mistake we start bouncing stuff left and right....she has a big cushion so if she makes a mistake it clears with no problem. Anyway, we're going to show her our budget and see what kind of help they can give us to keep on track. In the meantime Eagle is now depressed because the reality of our money situation is crappy news. Now that she's a part of it and understands it, she's depressed. I, on the other hand, am pretty much used to it so I'm not that depressed.

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