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Tired and dragging
2006-11-15, 12:37 p.m.

Just a quick entry. Things are going pretty well. I�m amazed that Eagle has gone so long now without any �bad� stuff. Not even Red Bull! We�re still trying to make our financial picture a little brighter, but it�s very hard. We have been completely broke since Saturday when we spent the last $20.00 we had at the grocery store to buy a few munchies for our company on Saturday. Then this stupid Scholastic club that we joined to get some good educational gifts for Eagle�s nephew tricked us and ended up charging her bank for $13.00 out of the blue, so of course, the bank charged $30.00 for an NSF fee. I called the club and the agreed to refund the money because it was poor communication on their part (that�s an understatement), and the bank agreed to refund the charges but only after the club refunds their part and that can take 7-10 days. On top of all that, the engine light came on in the van and we have NO money to take it right now, so we�re gonna pray it�ll hold out till after Christmas when we should have more money to deal with it then.

I�ve had the hardest time waking up all this week and it truly sucks. I have my sleep clinic appointment set for December 19th. Everyone that I�ve heard of that has had to use the breathing machine at night says they felt brand new in the mornings. I suppose if it makes that big of a difference I�d be willing to deal with sleeping with an aparatus on my face! Anything has got to be better then sleeping all night and waking up feeling so damn tired that you want to just cry.

Well I�ve got another big project here at work, so I�d better get started.

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