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please respect me
2003-12-05, 12:28 p.m.

Thils is ridiculous. I found myself avoiding writing an entry today because I was afraid of what people would say about what I have to write! That's so fucking said, I can't even believe it.

So with that said, I appreciate that some people will disagree with me on what I'm going to write, but too bad. It's not your life, it's mine.

I'm moving in with MyLove in January. There I said it, don't hate me. I just feel like we've been through hell and back and I can't quit on her now. I just can't. I don't want to say, "what if?" I want to see if we can make this work with just the two of us. No ex's, no drama, no bullshit....just her and I. I love her too much not to give this a chance.

I've learned over the past year how to stand up for myself, how to ask for what I want, and how to be heard in a realtionship. I believe in my heart that she and I can work. I really do believe that. Some can call it denial, but I don't. I call it love and a willingness to give the person that I love more than anything, this one LAST chance.

It'll be the first time we've had an even playing field. No ex's waiting in the wings. No commitment issues. No living with someone for the first time issues. I have to see this through. I want to see it through.

That's all I have to say on this, and if you choose to leave me a comment expressing your opinion, please do so in a way that respects me and my decision.

In the meantime, she and I are spending the weekend in a hotel. We need time alone to talk, to plan, and to reconnect.

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End of our trip - 2007-06-15
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