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2003-2-7, 4:12 p.m.

Okay, yes I do feel better today, it helped to get it all off my chest in the last entry. I do apologize for the language though.

MyLove is sick...she has the flu. She called me at midnight last night because she felt so horrible and wanted to hear my voice. I think that is so sweet, and it melts my heart. I am going to be seeing MyLove for about an hour or so tonight on my way to a poker game near her place. She needs to get to sleep early though so I won't be staying long. But I'll take an hour over nothing for sure. How pathetic am I, really?

Since our last blow up I realized seems that we fight in threes. There are usually three issues in a row that we argue about, and then all is well. I guess that's a good thing, so next time after the first argument I can be on the look out for the next two....and maybe even head them off.

On a new topic, I'm a bit concerned about Wednesday. I have to go and have cryosurgery done to remove some abnormal cells from my cervix. MyLove is coming with me, that's good. She knows how to make me feel better when I am not feeling well. And just being near her makes me feel better anyway.

I'm sure it will be fine, but having gone through the same thing 10 years ago, I remember it as not a comfortable process.

And of course in the back of my mind is the fear that it will be cancer and not just abnormal cells, but that is a small fear right now. I'll be fine.

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